[Serious]Muslims of Reddit, how much did your life change after 9/11?

It sucked. The week before, literally the week before we had to do a cultural project. I talked about Islam, and how I was Muslim. Then 9/11 happened. My friends wouldn't talk to me, my friends parents thought I was a bad child. I became "loud, and argumentative" for standing up for myself. My dad put America flag decals on the minivan and the truck because he probably thought it would be for the best. Then the Iraq war started, and it got worse. I got called terrorist on the daily. This kid at my middle school called me a "sandnigger" and "raghead" even though I was light brown/ blond haired, white, and European. In 9th grade my teacher who was a huge conservative went on a tirade about Islam, and I told him he was wrong and he didn't know what he was talking about. I got detention for that. In high school girls wouldn't date me, a few told me "you're not really white". I had to do a report senior year about Islam and these three girls in the back told me after the presentation that I was going to hell. In college it didn't stop. I met my friends and I met a few Jewish kids at the Hilel House at MSU. They flat out talked about hating Palestinians, and how Muslims were "weirdos and pedophiles". I dated a girl, who I loved more than anything, but her family hated me. Her father called me Muslim Eddy, Taliban Dan, and one time I helped her move and I went to the bathroom and her dad called me a "sandnigger". It took everything in me to not hit that man. Her cousin berated me online, and told me that I was "ruining America". I get jokes on the daily still. I see it on Facebook posts of my "friends" I hear it in my liberal friends voices when they talk about Women or cartoons. Not a day goes by that I don't hear it, and I know which of my friends have terrible opinions of Muslims, and I hate it. I can honestly say that since 9/11, even living in Michigan, even living in an area with a lot of Muslims, not a day goes by where I don't see stuff on the internet, hear things people say, about Muslims, and they are infuriating.

/r/AskReddit Thread