[Serious] is my brother in law a pedophile?

Some background first. My son is around 3 years old. My brother in law has shown limited interested in him over the years not really caring to play with him or take pictures with him. However while my husband was away for work last week my brother in law was visiting to help with some home repairs and was preparing an elaborate dinner for us as I cant cook. It was bath time for my son so I told him we could eat after I was done bathing him. Part way through the bath he comes in unannounced pulling his dog in my the collar (who was also there) behind him and announces that his dog wants to take a picture with my son in the bathtub to commemorate the visit. I was caught off guard and told him maybe we could get a picture the next day when we were going to the park. He had his phone out and ready but then left when I said that. This was the first time he ever showed interest in taking a picture of my son and the first time we had ever been alone in the house together without my husband there. My parental radar instantly went off and I felt very uncomfortable. It just seemed really off as he was in the middle of cooking and took the time to pull his dog into the bathroom to try and take pictures. I just cant help but feel really uncomfortable about the entire exchange considering he as been so uninterested and hands off in the past and was in the middle of cooking. The way he pulled his dog in saying it was the dog that wanted the picture seemed like something someone at a park would do to try and steal a kid. Nothing has been said or done since and he left later the next day. They have no children of their own, but I know he has wanted children. Thankfully they live a couple states away in New York (we are in Illinois) so we don't see them often.

/r/AskReddit Thread