[Serious] OK redittors: What absolutely, 100%, undenyingly happened to you, but if you told anyone, it would get posted on r/quityourbullshit?

I live in southeast Texas, so seeing big Hawks, owls, and even buzzards is pretty commonplace. However, seeing an active hawk dive bomb attack in your own backyard is not as we usually only see the aftermath. I went outside to test the pool chemical levels since the sun had finally gone down a bit, and not 3 seconds after I open the door, I see a small bird in the yellow talons of a Hawk with the largest wingspan I've ever seen in person get killed in a saiga(sp?) Palm tree we have by the pool waterfall. The hawk had let go of the bird I'm guessing because he sat on the fence for a good 30 seconds or so waiting for the smaller bird to emerge, but I moved my and made noise so he flew away. I ran in the house to tell my Dad, and he says I probably just saw a hawk drop his prey, not kill it. Bro, Hawks are efficient as fuck, they don't "drop" kills. That was a dangone hawkbomb I'll tell you what. Went a little Hank Hill there towards the end, but that was some exciting shit to see.

Edit: didn't intentionally mean to capitalize hawk over and over, autocorrect must have saved they version after the NBA playoffs discussions.

/r/AskReddit Thread