[Serious] Parents or friends of missing children: what happened?

This is slightly irrelevant but here goes.

My brother and I were in the bathroom in the mall and doing our business. I was around 10 and he was around 4.

The bathroom was completely empty except for the two of us and two other janitors. I was washing my hands and my brother was using the bathroom. During my soapy ritual I heard one of the janitors say to the other (In hindi), "Should we take these two too?"

I was born in Pakistan but did not have particularly brown skin, I had very light skin. They must have thought that I didn't understand what they were saying. As soon as I heard that, I knew I had to GTFO. Luckily, right around this time my brother came out of the stall. I told him lets go and we left the bathroom immediately. As soon as I left the bathroom I looked back and the two guys started calling us back in broken english, saying something among the lines of "Come back here" or "We want to tell you something". I don't remember. But man that was fucking scary. Just thinking back makes me fell uncomfortable, sad, vulnerable.

What if i had not moved out in time. What if they had caught us. I would have never seen my parent again, I would never see my brothers and sisters again. Fuck! I hate this feeling, I can still feel it to this day. I hate people who take advantage of others. How can they fucking sleep at night know that they have ruined an innocents child life?

I don't remember what happened after that but I remember going home and crying in bed at night. I am so glad that me and my brother made it out alive.

Kinda funny this next part. But, after this incident whenever my brother and I went to some place where I felt threatened I would start to talk really loudly to my brother about how I had recently gotten a blue or yellow belt in karate. I remember thinking that this would help show them not to fuck with me. I was a weird kid man.

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to get this of my chest. I only told my parents a couple years later when I came to my senses. They told me if anything like this ever happened again tell them immediately.

And, sorry if the story seems kind of jumbled and out of order. My writing skills are not the best.

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