[Serious] People who just "Gave it all up" marriage, family, job, possessions, etc. and started over somewhere else How did it work out?

Guatemalan here. I live in what we call a "red zone". Gangs, drugs, drunks, guns, extortionists, you name it. To give you an idea, UPS, FedEx, and a few restaurants won't send deliveries due to crime in the area. It's not hell on Earth, but it's not uncommon for me to hear gunshots on the other side of the street at night, to hear of neighbors getting threats every now and then and to check that you're not being followed home (which I have been). I've had the chance to visit the US for a few months. The only reason I realized I suffered of anxiety was because that's the first time in years I had a peaceful moment to compare the rest to. Like I said, it's not the absolute worst, and thankfully my family and I are ok, but it's not good for my mental peace to know that if I decide to take a walk, it's on streets where I know people die every year, often over of something petty like stealing a phone.

I get it, people dislike immigrants (and it's reasonable to an extent. It isn't my home after all), but some of us decent people who do have something to offer have been unfortunate to also live in the midst of a bunch of murderous scumbags. I just can't wait to go somewhere else. A peaceful middle class lifestyle really is the dream most don't realize they have.

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