[Serious] People who have lost their best friends, how has your life been without them?

The way you've phrased your question leads me to think you're interested in hearing stories involving the death of a best friend, as opposed to 'loss' in a general sense. If it's all the same, I would like to share the story of how I lost my best friend, although I should point out that she is very much alive.

My best friend and I were together for 6 years. We shared our lives entirely, and kept no secrets. I was at my best and my worst when I was with her, and hid nothing from her. I look back and feel an intense shame sometimes as I recall some of the experiences we shared. There are times when it's hard to believe we're no longer together. There are times when I simply cannot understand my place in this world without her.

If you're feeling the same sort of sensation - a cold, hollow emptiness, perhaps - know that you are not alone. I don't mean to pry, but I can't help but think you've posted this thread because you have lost your best friend and want to commiserate with kindred souls, or seek out advice from those who have walked a similar path.

To directly answer your question though, my life has been good, far better than I ever would have expected when we first separated. None of that has much to do with her, though. Without sounding to preachy, I guess what I've realized is that it's up to you to take control of your life - no one else is going to do it for you. You - whoever the f*** you are - are capable of far more than you give yourself credit for. Every second spent dwelling on time lost or time spent is a second wasted - the past is gone, lost in the unrelenting flow of time. Look forward and hopefully you will see a new way to approach your problems. It's up to you whether or not you succeed - the people around you are all fighting the same battle, including your best friend. I realize what I've said here really isn't particularly good and I'm having difficulty finding the exact words to communicate what I'm feeling, but if even a modicum of the passion which I'm feeling on this subject reaches you, then I believe I'll have accomplished my goal.

/r/AskReddit Thread