(Serious) People with OCD: which ritual disrupts your life the most?

As someone with OCD and a drive to do well in school, I have to run over multiple times per day what we did in class and whether there's any work to do at home. I know it seems minor (and it definitely is, my OCD used to be far worse but I learned how to fight it) but the sheer volume in which I do it gets very annoying.

I got help through exposure therapy and the ability to embrace the idea that something bad may happen as a result of me not following my rituals. For example, if I'm in bed and I'm tired and I realized I didn't brush my teeth, I had to realize that it was possible that something bad could happen to my teeth, and that mindset of possibility desensitizes me to each issue over time.

I would use the same technique for this but the difference is this helps me. A lot of my OCD came through meaningless rituals and sponteanous, uncontrollable thoughts that didn't do any harm to not follow. My new ritual has definitely saved me a couple of times and dropping it would actually hurt me.

/r/AskReddit Thread