[Serious] Reddit, have you ever at one point in your life felt like an "empty shell", going through the motions of daily life just to get through each day? If so, what helped you get through this phase?

I just had just dropped out of school and all I did was sit on the couch for two months straight stoned out of my mind living off of my school loans.. It was just routine, wake up, get baked, play whatever games I could and watch whatever media I could find and even then I started to run out of tv series, movies and even anime... and there is a lot of fucking anime out there. I felt so empty and worthless the most moving I did in a day would be the walk to the car to drive to mcdonalds.

Anyways my parents eventually caught wind of me being a complete burden to society and my mom sent my resume to 5 guys, im a 22 year old male so quite sad having your mother send out resumes for you. Anyways they liked me somehow and I started working there and absolutely love it, it got me off my ass, I started socializing more, love the people I work with and the free staff meal is fucking amazing.

So that got me off my ass and through my depressive state and there just happen to be a big computer retailer right beside the store, so I would wander in there on my breaks and annoy the hell out of the staff with my questions aha. But its been three months since I started working there and I just built my own computer myself and enrolled for video game design school for September 2016, I feel motivated to do things and learn new stuff, so I guess I can say 5 guys saved me lmao but my advice to anyone here would be to just get outside and do things, stay active (you would be amazed at how much working out is a stress reliever) try and stay away from things that support your routine (it was weed for me, still smoke, but only a few times a month), talk to the people you have in your life and just dont get stuck in a rut. Believe me its not fun, but you have the control in your life to change the situation you are in.

/r/AskReddit Thread