[Serious] Suppose gun control legislation in the U.S. was passed which made it more difficult for everyday people to buy guns. Is this a slippery slope that will eventually lead to total civilian gun removal by government officials? Why/why not?

Yes, because that’s what happens with most laws, they start little by little, until it’s all the way they want it.

Also gun control doesn’t work, the places with the best gun control in the USA like St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, and Chicago have the highest gun homicide rates. The states with the least restrictive gun laws usually have the lowest gun homicide rates. The reason is because when the criminals know people have a gun they are less likely to attack them.

Also speaking of statistics, Suicides are more than 50% of all gun deaths, then out of the remaining deaths about 80% are gang related.

Mass shootings including school shooting make up a very small percentage of gun deaths, the only reason people think the problem is bigger than it really is, is because the news loves to highlight these tragedies to push the gun control agenda.

/r/AskReddit Thread