[Serious] What is a conspiracy theory you actually believe in?

My mom has masters in English and so as a favor/a little extra cash she edited a book for an old professor who didn’t trust his research with anyone else. He had spent like decades researching this topic and figured a stay at home mom that he had known for years wasn’t a huge risk. Idk if it was ever published but he believes that one of Hitlers main dudes in command whose wife could not conceive got the baby. There were a ton of things he tracked down but the main one I remember was that apparently there are pics of some curly headed kid with them at a parade or something with no mention or sighting of him before hand and he wasn’t an infant. Memory is a little fuzzy but I def remember her telling me about the pics. Black and white and poor quality but I guess the kid had distintive features. The guy found a nazi who he believed knew the truth. He had moved and was under a new name. The researcher called the guy from a pay phone and used his real name and asked about the boy and the guy started freaking out and asking who it was before hanging up and then callin pay phone back minutes later. Guy got spooked and didn’t answer. I’ll have to ask her about the whole story I forget this was like 15 years ago at least when she was editing it for him.

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