[Serious]What is the creepiest experience you or someone you know has had?

I used to work at Old City Hall in Toronto doing court reporting for legal proceedings. I'm always the first one in the courtroom and the last one to leave at the end of the day. There are judges and clerks who absolutely refuse to be in certain courtrooms by themselves and you hear a lot of stories of creepy things happening like poltergeist in the attic and the sounds of prisoner chains clinking in the back halls. I never paid attention to the stories because I don't believe in ghosts but there were a lot of public hangings of prisoners in the court yard and the last hanging in Canada before the death penalty was abolished happened there so naturally there's going to be a lot of stories floating around. Anyway, on a few occasions I stayed really late doing playbacks of the proceedings to clarify the record and fill in things that I missed throughout the day. One time in particular I was listening to a two or three minute playback from earlier in the day and all of a sudden I hear a voice on the record that was interfering with the proceeding. I played it back at least 10 times and I couldn't understand what they were saying and it was almost as if it was fading out. First it was a mans voice than I heard a woman say something after it, all the while the people who were in the actual courtroom that day could be heard speaking clearly on the record. It was bizarre. There were times when I would be walking up or down the stairs and I would hear someone coming towards me from the corridor but when I get into view no ones actually there. The entire building is just creepy in general especially at the end of the day when the general public is all gone.

/r/AskReddit Thread