[SERIOUS] What is the Creepiest or most Unexplained thing that’s happened to you that you still think about to this day?

I worked at a casino on overnights which I needed to take multiple backroads to get to. On my way to work one time I noticed movement out my passenger window. It looked dark and furry. I was traveling about 60mph and whatever I saw/thought I saw was keeping up. The hair the back of my neck instantly stood up bc nothing should be able to keep up with my vehicle at this speed. But whatever it was I felt that if I took my eyes off the road and looked at what it was something bad was going to happen.

When I got to work I told some of native friends/coworkers what happened. They said a skinwalker/spirit was trying to get me and it would have done so if I made eye contact with it.

Idk if its true or not but it freaked me the fuck out.

/r/AskReddit Thread