[Serious] What is like to strongly hate or dislike your sibling?

I don’t hate my sibling but I don’t feel much for him. He is extremely manipulative (like amazingly, he has gotten a lot of people to believe a lot of thing) and intelligent (all of us ended up being gifted in academics, not to sound rude or anything but that’s just how our family is. You wouldn’t know based on his lifestyle though).

He’s done so much. I love him but it’s like he isn’t my brother. We’re so opposite, but in some ways so similar. I mean, honestly I’ve done small manipulation (controlling conversations, people’s perceptions; sounds bad but honestly people do it all the time without noticing. I’m not out to be fake or anything if that makes sense) but he’s gone large scale. We were both in Talented Theater so I guess it makes sense. And also he would bring out the bad side in me, we weren’t close but whenever we were together it’s like it was so much easier to be bad.

I don’t really miss him, but I long for the person he could be.

/r/AskReddit Thread