[Serious]What is the meaning of life?

Hmm... Well Un-UsedUsername:

I fear that you will NOT be able to find the answer you seek to your timeless question (regarding the deeper meaning of daily life in our universe).

I suspect NONE of the Reddit-comments above or below will ever fully, satisfactorily, and deeply answer your question.

Essentially your question is like a blind mind asking a sighted person to describe the color "red". No matter how creative we get, no one could ever truly answer that blind man's question deeply enough, to make him truly "see" the color red.

He would only gain vague/shadowy snippets of insights into the color "red", without ever being able to look upon it.

Similarly: go ahead and ask an alien hyper-intelligence-life-form to describe the appearance of an 11 dimensional hyper-sphere, interacting with a 3 dimensional plane, to you.

The alien knows the answer intuitively and intimately, but could never hope to describe it to you in a way in which you would actually visualize it (just as that blind man could never actually visualize "red").

And so... if you could never make a blind man "see" and imagine the color red, how could someone possibly describe an even more complex abstract topic (the meaning of life) to you?

Plato asked this question MANY centuries before us... and he too came to the conclusion that we could never perceive the ultimate answer.

All we can do is see moving shadows and shapes on a cave wall, projected by flickering torch of reality, at our backs.

We can only stare at the cave wall, and gain some vague insights based upon the shadows. But we can never turn around and look at the blinding harsh-light of reality just behind us.

Although, if we somehow transcend the limitations of our current physical human form, and become a new hyper-intelligent species... then maybe we could finally turn away from the primitive cave wall, and look directly upon the meaning of life directly... like staring into the naked singularity of a black-hole...

.. yes... yes... I see it now! It's beautiful!

/r/AskReddit Thread