[Serious] what is the most terrifying thing to happen to you in a well lit and populated place?

A bit of a weird one because I'm not positive of what was going on for obvious reasons, but the scenario was pretty freaky nonetheless.

My friends and I had made the awful decision to go to the mall while dropping acid. There's like five stories buried in that sentence, but the one you want to hear occurred as we were leaving.

I'll preface it by pointing out how weird it was to go to the more upscale (read "white") of the two malls on acid and find it full to the brim with every low income black person in town. As it turned out it was a tax holiday. Either way, while 99% of the people there were perfectly fine, the seedier elements of the ghetto had apparently decided to tag along for the ride (what do gang members even buy on a tax holiday?)

As we were leaving we decided to exit through a mostly lifeless department store, and the further into the store we got, the close to the exit, the fewer people there were. Except one member of said seedy looking group standing just out of the aisle watching us.

As we passed he stepped out from behind the clothing rack and called out "Yo, dog." Being on acid, mildly confused, and just looking to leave we decided to ignore him. So he started walking behind us and every ten seconds or so he's yell "Yo, dog. Hey!"

It was a little weird being followed by this guy so we all wordlessly agreed to speed up. At which point he clearly sped up too and his calls became more insistent. So we started to jog... As did he. By the time we reached the exit we were all sprinting and he'd abandoned any pretense and was just screaming "Get back here you little fucks!"

In the parking lot we made a beeline for the first other people we saw, two burly looking men pushing strollers. Fortunately we didn't have to bother them because about halfway there the guy realized everything was now out in the open, cursed and went back inside to wait for someone else. At which point my friend and I all turned to each other and asked "So he was definitely going to mug us right?"

/r/AskReddit Thread