[Serious] What is something you wish you could say to someone you will never talk to again?

Hi. I dunno if you remember me at all, but a vast majority of our time spent together consisted of me sending you concerned text messages and you completely ignoring them.

Remember when I called you and you said you'd call me back? I somehow managed to convince myself to wait for you to contact me before ever talking to you again, and you know what? I still haven't gotten that phone call. I don't even want it anymore. You've ruined my self esteem and I want you to know that. I never did anything to hurt you and you destroyed my confidence. You know what? It's not even about me. It's about YOU.

Did you know that there are civil ways to remove people from your life? You know what woulda worked wonders? Returning that phone call. Instead, you chose to be a cowardly and lazy slob who dropped all sense of responsibility like it's your privilege to enter and leave someone's life as you please without saying anything. Well guess what? I can enter your life without asking for permission just like you can leave mine. And I'm here to tell you that what you did hurts people, Taylor. It would hurt ANYONE. I really hope you never do that to anyone again because holy shit does it hurt.

I don't care if you reply to this or not, because it wouldn't be the first time you've ignored a message I've sent you (although I would appreciate a word or two so I know you aren't dead). All I wanted to do was re-enter your life for a brief moment to let you know that, even after you cut people out of your life, they don't magically disappear. I still exist and I'm hurting because of you, and I want you to know that.

I hate that you can wake up every morning and not give me a second thought. I hate that you can completely erase me from your life, but no matter how hard I try to remove the stain you've blotched onto my brain, I can't. I have a boyfriend now who actually cares about me, but I still spend so much of my time horribly anxious, afraid that he'll leave me without saying anything, just like you did.

You have fucked my head up and I hate you for it.

/r/AskReddit Thread