[serious] What supernatural event did you see that you’re SURE was real?

There were a number of weird things I saw at the house I used to live at with my family. Voices talking when everyone was asleep (and no TVs on), shadow people, other figures. The one I know for sure was real, well...

It was Sunday morning. I had gone to sleep at like 5 am (up late talking to friends online). About 8:50 when I snap awake. Like a switch flipped, one moment deep asleep, the next I'm wide awake, zero grogginess. Confused, I switch over to my other side to try and get back to sleep.

That's when I saw it. A black, formless mass at the foot of my bed. I freeze as soon as I see it. It is large, vaguely spherical, and just standing (for lack of a better term) there. I'm not scared, strangely. I stare at it for what seems like minutes and then, without even thinking, I call out to it. As soon as I do so, it vanishes.

I stare at where it had been for a few moments before thinking "you're half awake, Kii, that's all, go back to sleep." And so I snuggle back down, trying.

Two minutes later, I hear my mother knock on the door. As soon as I heard the first knock, I knew. When I called out to the shadow, I said "...dad?"

My father passed away two days later, but he had stopped breathing for a period that morning.

(If you want a bit of levity, this happened on Father's Day. It would be so my father to pass, or at start passing, on Father's Day.)

/r/AskReddit Thread