[Serious]What's your in-laws from Hell story?

I was in college a few years ago and started dating a girl who was from out-of-state. We had been dating for about a year, and by this point her mother is not too fond of the "pot-smoking, degenerate that mooches off my daughter". I won't get into that now, but it wasn't the case.... I am a very productive young adult and always have been. Anyways, the school week goes on as normal, minus the fact that her mom is calling a lot, asking about plans this weekend.... unusual questions. I warn her, "I think your mom is going to do something weird soon", she disagrees, "You know my mom, she is always up my ass and in my business". Later in the week, we decided to drop a little LSD for a show that weekend at the club while her roommates threw a kegger at their house. We take a few tabs, drink some beer, and bounce out to meet with some friends who are also going to the show. Roughly 30-60 minutes later, right when things start to get weird with the L, my girlfriend gets a call from her roommate, "There is some old lady outside looking for you"...... her face goes pale. At this point, we have paraphernalia everywhere in her room, and her mom is the type of person that would bring her daughter back home with her if she saw a bong. While I call friends at the party to go upstairs and stash everything away, including my belongings so the mom has no idea I am living there, my girlfriend gets a call from her mom and acts surprised. She covers the story up by telling her we didn't want to be around the kegger that night and had gone to my parents' house, which was roughly 30 miles from the university. This girl's mom flew from New England to the South, unannounced in hopes to catch her daughter doing anything that would prove I was "bad". The mom flips shit and yells about how unacceptable this is, and my girlfriend even got flak from aunts / relatives "for being so rude when your mom wanted to visit you". Needless to say that mom literally tore us apart by making it impossible to live a normal life.

/r/AskReddit Thread