[Serious] What's your most "extreme" opinion?

Personally I don’t feel like you have provided any concrete examples to sway my opinion when I’m basically asking for that. I’m asking for someone to sway my opinion and teach but me and have tried to remain respectful. You can’t basically say “you’re dense” and think that will change my mind. All you did was tell me their feelings are also facts. The brain is an organ just like your genitals. People that are trans seem to have a disconnect of what their brain thinks their genitals should be, vs what they are. Why is it correct to provide sex assignment surgery where you don’t end up with true opposite sex anatomy when you could, potentially through counseling and medication adjust the way you think so your brain agrees with the physical body you have? There can be more than one solution to the problem, and again I don’t mean to offend anyone these are real questions I have and don’t have anyone in real life to address. You mention default to disbelief, when to me it’s exactly the opposite. Their birth genitals are there physically, they are easily proven that this is a penis, which is of the male gender. You are asking me to go against logic, against what I can see, against what I can touch. I can look at basically any other animal and tell if it’s male or female based on its reproductive anatomy, it’s not based on thought patterns so why is it different for humans?

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