Seriously, wtf?

A kid on heroin is a threat to everyone in a twenty foot radius, plus the cleaning crew that'll have to spotclean the rug a few times to get all the shit, piss and foaming froth out of the carpet, not to mention funeral costs and shit.

You don't know anything about heroin either, huh? That's some serious War on Drugs bullshit you are spouting there. Criminalizing and imprisoning people is much easier if you make them out to be some kind of public threat.

Reading the rest of your posts, it's clear that you don't have any knowledge other than what you have been fed, mostly by conservative media, and that for some reason it's ok to double down on things that are demonstrably untrue if it fits your narrative. You think the problems that the country faces are some kind of reality show contest, with solutions anyone sitting on their couch watching TV could come up with, but you're wrong. You also think that loud and abusive = stronger and winning, which is great if you are watching WWE but not in real life.

You want an alpha male in charge of the country, but don't recognize that he's not an alpha - he's just an asshole with money.

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