The shadow from the dirt on my window looks like mountains.

So there was a really good comment here and I went to reply to it but it got deleted. So here it is copied and pasted. Didn't even think to get the username with it though, sorry.

Alright let me show what we've got done up here, and in the meantime I'll have 'em run all the colours across the screen that you need to paint along with me, and as usual they'll appear in the same order I have them on my palette here.

So today I thought we'd do something a little bit different, so let's just have some fun today. Instead of my normal canvas I've got a fine pre-stretched, double-primed piece of vehicle upholstery, and I've just covered that with a nice thin, even coat of liquid white.

I thought we could just do a happy little mountain scene today. First we're going to put in the sky, so I've got some phthalo blue and some titanium white, and I'm going to load up both sides of my old 2" brush and I'm just going to start making some little criss-cross strokes. Just here and there, and there and here, but sure to leave some space for some happy little clouds. Now I think we're about ready to clean this big ol' brush, and you know me, that's my favourite part - shake off the excess, and (heh!) just beat the devil outta it!

Alright, now we've got that done we're going to just set out some of these mountains in the distance. We're going to take a standard palette knife and mix some van dyke brown and some phthalo blue, and just cut off our little roll of paint - just a small roll of paint. Now we're just going to make a big decision and make the outline of our mountain range. Just make a decision and drop it in, just like that. There, ain't that fantastic?

Now we're going to make some highlights for our mountains, so we're going to take some titanium white and add it to the colour we made earlier, and again just cut off our little roll of paint. Now we're going to have to make another big decision and decide where our light source is going to be, and in our world I think the light is coming from the right. So just take our little roll of paint, and - bloop-bloop-bloop (gotta make that little noise or it don't work!) - just add in the highlight for our mountain range. When I lived in Alaska we used to see mountains like these all the time, they really had some amazing mountains up there.

Anyway now we have the highlight, we have to add the shadows to match, so we're going to add the tiniest little touch of midnight black - ooh, there, perfect. And now we're going to take another little roll of paint and add that all down the opposite side of our mountain to where the light is coming from. You can make the mountains any shape you want like this - mountains are a bit like people, some are big and tall, some are short and a little heavier. You decide what you want in your world, just make a decision and drop it in.

There! I think we're about ready to sign this one, so we'll take the liner brush, take a little paint thinner and go into some bright red, and call this one done. I really hope you'll try this one, it's a nice little painting and you can really do a lot with it.

From all of us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting, and god bless my friend.

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