Sharethread July 15, 2017

So I come to tell a tale one not of thee,
It's a tale of my great fall teaching man,
But geeze...
At this point it makes sense,
At this point it really does,
To stop what I'm doing and ascend greatly above.
As to teach is to speak and show of different ways,
So perhaps if I focus to thee,
I will not be blamed for man's great haze.
Even though people have their differences,
They seem to have similarities to the countries they visit,
Something sticks like stereotypes,
But I wouldn't aspect more from a man,
You guys are animal right?
Even if you can't tell now you take shape as a grass is to cow,
So disagreements seem so shameful,
How come we disagree were to place blame though?
It's like my great brother once said,
Your never going to live,
With all that nonsense buzzing around in your head.
Lucifer lives but many may never know how much...
I miss my brother,
The ram to the sheep as created to defend another,
But he wasn't meant to live amungst,
He was meant to be evil as f!#/.

/r/OCPoetry Thread