...to shill for NFTs

How about in game items being owned by players and exchanged freely instead of all the profits going into the corporation making the game?

This can already be done, just by the devs not taking a cut. NFTs dont solve any issue here at all. A player cannot generate an NFT item in a game that doesnt support NFTs. If the devs add support for NFTs then you are again just at their mercy on how it is implemented.

How about characters you can bring from game to game. Level up. Sell different items you've gathered. All for real money. All the time and energy you put into gaming equals real world money.

This can already be done, without NFTs and I dont see how NFTs make this any easier. Account linking has been a thing for a long time.

Or as a digital artist myself I finally have a way to stamp a piece of work as an original and sell it as such. The person buying also knows it's the original because it's stamped into the Blockchain

This is a cool potential use case but if people dont respect the copy write now what makes you think a digital receipt of it on a blockchain will change anything.

Before this digital art wasn't even taken seriously. Half the people in this thread including yourself clearly still don't

This is just not true at all, and to think you know me because I wrote I dont see good use cases for NFTs yet is laughable. Look at the thriving communities that sell game art. Hell I myself just purchased a few hundred dollars worth a couple weeks ago This is just the recent purchases on itch. Here is some recent commissions I had done in fiverr

The person buying also knows it's the original because it's stamped into the Blockchain

Lol no. The person buying it only know that the image they are buying is the one on the blockchain. What is to stop multiple people from selling the same image? Nothing right now. Maybe if you are well known enough to have some art that people would know is only from "X Artist", then it could be useful. If you are just some random person making some art, NFTs solve nothing for you.

Before this digital art wasn't even taken seriously. Half the people in this thread including yourself clearly still don't

Do you actually think people have changed their opinion on digit art since NFTs were introduced? Firstly I doubt 99% of people even know what NFT stands for let alone could explain the basics of it. Secondly

Do whatever you want. But over the course of our lives the way value is perceived and exchanged is going to change drastically. You will regret in 20 years not paying attention.

I was an early adopter of bitcoin actually, unfortunately I did not have the foresight to know it would hit such huge values (which I would argue is mainly due to hype, but that is another discussion) and sold far too early (multiple times). Ive been in the crypto space for well over 10 years at this point, I know exactly how blockchain works, and I have a portfolio of crypto myself. I can see the use case for blockchain tech, we are a long way from mass adoption but it is clear it serves a purpose. NFTs on the other hand currently do not solve any problems that dont already have good solutions.

But I feel sorry for people who don't make the effort to understand these things.

The irony in your last statement is hilarious.

/r/therewasanattempt Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it