should African Americans be recompensed for the slave labor of their ancestors?

Black people do suffer from the endless and exponential repercussions from the history of slavery from this nation. Other minority groups have suffered as well. Even just poor people in general also suffer.

I say that if you start paying teachers as well as you pay software developers, and focused the priority on the most disadvantaged schools, you may start to see a substantial improvement in the inequality. It will take generations and it wont be easy or cheap.

Would you rather have an educated populace or the hurr derr that we are becoming?

I will fight you on any front. This is good for capitalists. This is good for socialists (we love education of course). This is good for communists. This is good for fascists. This is especially good for conservatives. What is better than knowing and understanding what you are trying to conserve, and what your movement was about in the first place. Learning what the history is that you are actually trying to conserve.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread