Should I get a breast enlargement? (F20)

I would say no. But I grew up with great aongs such as Unpretty by TLC. I do like also the cureent song Victoria's Secret by Jax.

The cosmetic surgery industry relies on the same kind kof marketing as the beauty industry. It is out there telling young women like you that the natural state of your body is a problem. Whatever that problem is they have the solution. Skin to light? Spray tan. Nose to large? Rhinoplasty.

Unlike a tattoo, most surgery had a longer recovery time and requires you to be under general anesthesia which carries its own risks. If you have a legitimate problem like a broken nose that is causing breathing problems, sure get a rhinoplasty. Or breasts that are cancerous, that may require a double mastectomy. But for cosmetic reasons when you're only 20? I'd think long and hard .

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread