Should governments ban porn? And what would be the outcome?

Well, alcohol doesn't really involve the abuse and exploitation of human beings involving complicated gender and social power dynamics, so the production of each pornography and alcohol is inherently different. Apples and oranges.

Instead, the question should be what the wider harms of pornography are? And, once found, is there still room for erotic expression in society? I think that yes, erotic art and expression should be allowed. Porn is not that. Porn is explicit dehumanization of women and exploitation and punishment of the female body. There is more vanilla porn that may not seem so, but the common thread in all pornography is the penis centered-ness. Everything, and I mean everything in it, revolves around the man and the man's pleasure. The woman's body is simply a vessel in which men derive pleasure in this medium.

I agree with you. It can't be made illegal, but we as a society have to really analyse how porn affects us. The industry is rife with abuse and talent is paid in pennies on the dollar for extremely risky work. There ought to be regulation at the very least guaranteeing actors and actresses royalties for their name and image after they leave porn. They also ought to be protected from blood-borne pathogens, which they really aren't. AIM is a paper tiger that doesn't screen for everything, nor does it screen often enough. In the past, talent has fudged their results to continue working, because otherwise they don't eat. It's tragic, it's exploitative, and the fact that the average American does not care what really happens to a performer, only that they perform, speaks volumes of our care for one another.

This comment really has spiraled out of control, but I've had 3 coffees and I'm taking a break from a large paper. Please excuse the rant. It wasn't specifically aimed at you apart from the comparison between alcohol and porn.

/r/pornfree Thread