Sign of the times in the meme economy

I can’t tell if you’re being sincere or just trolling so this is my last response.

We draw the line at were not banning guns or amending the 2A. I don’t know why you think that’s the only solution. It’s quite a terrible one and will never work. Therefore, the majority disagrees with you.

Yes you do live in fear.

Many students aren’t. How about you stop watching CNN and go watch the Parkland students on FOX or another media source who are against everything the CNN shills are saying.

Why did CCN not report the Texas Church shooting after a man with an AR15 killed the shooter? Why did CNN not cover the Maryland shooting? Why does CNN not allow pro second amendment parkland students the ability to speak?

Many people went to work yesterday with guns.

Cars, not a right. Alcohol not a right. Hammers not a right.

Also guns are heavily regulated. We have thousands of gun laws on the books.

I can only shoot one or two guns at a time. Why can’t I own 500?

You are not trying to prevent deaths. If so, you would be marching to sue the Parkland police and FBI. I can’t regulate anyone. It’s not my job. However, the police did go to his house over 30 times. The FBI failed to pick him up after making threats on social media.

But as I have said. That does not matter. There’s an agenda. You don’t want Americans to protect themselves. You don’t care about facts involving these situations.

The actions of a few represent the whole, am I right?

You want to protect students?

Demand we enforce the current laws on the book. Push for universal background checks. Demand all public schools have dress codes, clear backpacks and IDs. Require those schools to have mandatory random searches. Allow faculty who have the legal authority to conceal carry. Take bullying more seriously.

End of story. Your solution will only lead to more death with handguns. Therefore, the inch you took will now be turned to magazine size and semi automatic handguns.

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