That simple.

A race is literally a fucking group of people defined by physical and cultural characteristics, you idiot. You know there are different races of Caucasians, right? And different races of Asians, and so on.

Not as we understand race

You seem to think that the races are White, Black, Asian, and Other. You realise there's more to it than that, right?

Greece wasn't a race you nitwit

First of all, I think you mean 'Greeks'. Secondly, how specific do I have to get before it stops being racist? If I say I hate white people, that's racist. What about if I hate Celtic people? Scottish people? What about some negatives? Non-Celts? Non-blacks? Non-Greeks?

YOu cant even understand the turn of phrase "highly suspect" what the fuck makes you think you can understand the concept of race as regards society?

Mate, I was making fun of you for calling a dictionary definition 'suspect'. How fucking idiotic must you be not to understand that?

If your dumbass scrolled up you'd see the response. But you're too busy not reading to see the answers.

I still can't fucking find it, but I can't wait to see what bullshit you've come up.

I made specific statements about whiteness as a concept, you got defensive

You made some weird statement that essentially told someone who is neither black nor white that he's part of the system and can't be objective. As opposed to you, the Lord of Objectivity. I was polite, I asked some questions, and I fucking AGREED with you! All I asked was for an explanation for how Irish people and Slavic people (both of whom were enslaved/mistreated by other white people) factored into your statement about white people inventing racism to justify mistreating black people. I didn't even disagree with you or call you out, I was trying to engage you, I wasn't looking for a fight. No offence, but you've been acting like an asshole from the get-go.

And I'm not about to 'step off' after failing whatever deflections you think I've attempted. I was giving us both an opportunity to stop wasting each other's time since we're clearly not going to magically resolve this and get along.

You're not teaching an English class here, there's no book list people have to finish before they can give an opinion.

Suggesting that I start with 'basic english' when you can't spell or use proper grammar/punctuation is a little bit dumb, don't you think? Perhaps instead of attacking me for not being able to 'crack fuckin phrases' you should wise up and realise when someone is making fun of you and your idiocy.

Jesus fuck, this conversation is pissing me the hell off.

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