Someone broke up with me because of their depression. How can I help them? Are these decisions spontaneous?

I’ve been in a similar situation, but on the other side...

When I was in college I made the decision to breakup with a boyfriend for my own mental/emotional health. It was a good relationship and I loved him very much, but at the time I was in no place to be involved with any romantic relationship.

Choosing to end that relationship was very hard for me, and I put a lot of thought into it beforehand, but looking back, it was one of the best decisions that I have ever made for myself.

My guess is that your boyfriend did not make this decision spontaneously. He probably put a lot of thought into it, and it was probably very hard for him to follow through with it.

For me, the best way that I could deal with my depression and my past was to be single for a while and to really take the time to become comfortable with myself, become comfortable with being alone, etc. Your boyfriend might be going through something similar, so my advice to you is to give him space to reflect and heal. Let him know that you support him and that you will be there as a friend whenever he needs it, but give him the space to reflect.

Breakups are hard no matter what, but we learn and grow from each experience. Good luck.

/r/depression Thread