Something happened inside my brain, and I'd like to know if it is a psychotic break

Hi! I know what this is! Sort of! I've had ADHD for my entire life, and have had several similar experiences. ADHD predisposes you to a number of related non-neurotypical experiences from scary things like bi-polar and psychosis to less harmful things like the random "awakening" you experienced. The reason for this is that ADHD messes with your dopamine levels (one of your "feel good" hormones). If for some reason you start producing a ton of dopamine, your ADHD brain will freak out because it's not meant to deal with normal hormone levels the way other brains are.

Basically, my best guess about what happened is that somewhere in your brain, a dopamine faucet turned on. This can lead to good things like motivation and focus (what you are experiencing currently), but it can also lead to trouble like mania, depression, psychosis and other mental regulatory problems. What you're feeling right now is basically what non-ADHD people feel when they take cocaine. You're staying up and reading about philosophy and so motivated to take on the world. That's great! And that may be all that happens. For me, these experiences usually signaled a fading in my ADHD. I'd get a crazy 3-5 day high, then it would fade, and I'd perform better on attention tests. It was like my brain had a stuck engine that suddenly revved up with a big fanfare and then settled into the rythm of the machine. I don't know why it happened but it did.

So here is the rub - you can't feel awesome forever. Your brain isn't meant to handle dopamine (or any of your other feel-good chemicals), which is why people in this thread are saying that you probably have mania. They are correct. What you are feeling is euphoria, not enlightenment and therefore, you are at risk of coming down hard, just like a an addict from a high. This is fine and there isn't much you can do about the severity of the come down - but you can be aware that an kind of scary "anti-awakening" isn't the end of the world. It's chemical and it will pass. You may even come out the other end keeping some of the awesome feelings you currently have.

I would recommend keeping an eye on this, and maybe bringing these feelings up with your doctor the next time you see them. Additionally, I would encourage you to remember that while this might or might not be a passing feeling, the gratitude and peace that you are getting from this and the philosophy that you feel compelled to read can still be a door to real truth about yourself - even if the experience is mundane chemicals. So don't stop doing you. Just take care of yourself.

/r/Advice Thread