‘Sometimes, 7-8 men raped us in one day…we thought we were going to die,’ says woman rescued from Saudi diplomat’s home in India

No need to explain me about Islam as I'm an ex-Muslim so I've gone through more studying of the religion first as a belief and then to disregard its authenticity. I also have done the same with plenty of other books and lived among normal sane Muslims, 90% of them far more honest and giving than you and me and they don't believe stupid shit written in the Quran just like any sane person would.

The Quran is just not as well written. It also has the most followers around the world and due to it being the biggest religion in some of the least educated countries it is the basis of the education not the side subject. Most people don't even read the Quran in their native language like you are pulling of translations to prove a point, most of these terrorists or even devout Muslims etc read the arabic but can't understand a single word.

You are so wrong that I can write a thesis but I don't have all day so I'll explain it in simple words. Islam is like a tv show, really shit with lots of plot holes and bad writings but has mass appeal so it has the most fans. It also has huge communities led by admins and every community break down simple episodes written in 10 minutes and go in depth like there is some deeper meaning. There are so many fan theories of the show that have now become the norm but in reality the writers were stoned when writing it and the actors didn't give two shits.

The problem is not with the religion it is with the person. It is 99% of the time with the person.

Answer me this, if you were brought up in a new religion that stressed you have to rape when you reach a certain age and you had close to the mental capacity you do now would you do it? The Quran doesn't force it, in fact it is again written badly on this topic, a couple of sentences that mean fuck all like most of the book.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - indianexpress.com