Do sore muscles indicate that they will grow stronger? Like if you work out but don't get sore, can you still get stronger from that?

Soreness is an indicator that you worked that muscle, but it's not a necessary indicator. Meaning, if you don't get sore, it doesn't mean that you didn't work that muscle.

If you're brand new to lifting, or if you've taken some time off, then you'll feel really sore. But as you keep doing it, you don't get sore anymore or you get very light soreness.

This doesn't mean that your muscles are no longer responding to the lifts and that you should "change it up". That's a myth. In fact, changing your lifts often is counterproductive. The only way to challenge a muscle so that it grows is to keep increasing the weight on a specific lift, once you can do about 6-12 proper reps on that lift with that weight (this is called "progressive overload").

Also, muscle growth is easy at first, but after you've put on that initial 5-10 kg (10-20 lbs) of muscle, then your body needs serious training to naturally put another 5-15kg (10-30 lbs). "Serious" meaning: actually properly controlling the weight instead of using momentum or doing shitty half-assed reps, like 95% of the guys in the gym do. Pay attenion, otherwise all that extra food you're eating will just go to fat storage, and you don't want to be another delusional gym bro that thinks his fat gain is muscle gain.

Good read on soreness:

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