[Spoilers][Rewatch] Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 31 Discussion Thread

When the episode skips the opening to show a character's monologue, you know some shit's gonna happen. I liked the irony of how democracy is working for the Empire and the Alliance.

Yang knows what's up(again).

/r/punchablefaces anyone?

Poor Yang is locked in a fancy prison. He can barely do anything with these kind of restrictions.

/r/punchablefaces part 2.

The best thing to have come out of all this bullshit was finding out about Yang's past. His remarks, though, were pure gold. The way he just straight up answers them is one of the reasons his my favourite character in this series.

Implying he needs to try.

I like this guy. He's saying what we're all thinking. Future ally, comfirmed!

Frederica was pretty cool in this episode. I like her a lot more than Jessica, to be honest. But Truniht continues to be the prick he is. Just how much power CAN one person have.

Yang! Stop being awesome!

Fucking PKC! I hope when dictator Yang actually rises to power, all of those bastards will be put in prison. Thank God for Bucock saving the day.

On a side note, this reminded me of Akira, for some reason.

While I never actually got caught in it, I know plenty of stories from my parents about how the government was listening on people during the communist days, so, again, the Alliance is the better part also because it's more relatable.

Yang is FINALLY writing his resignation letter(again). I know he's not gonna actually turn it in, but he sure has a lot of balls.

And finally, Kempf's awesome entrance.

/r/anime Thread