[SPOILERS] TNA audience members invade ring at Extreme Rules.

First of all, read that review, and look at the positioning of the production thread.

Let me give you an example of this "just" review".

"Speaking of meth, Mark Briscoe looks like the kind of guy you'd see on the news for being busted having a moving meth lab in a Walmart bathroom. Where the fuck are they? Seriously, is it in a barn? It's nice to see they haven't improved their lighting at all. Now it looks like they have mini sun in the building that appears to devour ACH for a moment. I swear, any random ROH show from 10 years ago looks better. Shadows everywhere, the sun shining directly into the cameras, sometimes the mat looks gray and sometimes it looks black. You literally can't see some spots due to the sun blotting everything out. Fucking horrendous. This company is owned by a television network. The production levels of this are worse than random no name indies in the middle of Kentucky. Fucking brutal. Steve Corino isn't on commentary, but Adam Cole is. Who doesn't show up until about 5 minutes into the match. And despite this not being a live show, Kevin Kelly is still fucking up every other word. Adam Cole sounds like he's coming back from having his wisdom teeth removed. This is genuinely pathetic. Besides the AWFUL aesthetics, watch these two blow a spot and do it over to a chorus of boos. What's worse is that ACH was trying to just roll with the botch, but the veteran Briscoe decided to force him into redoing the spot. ACH has a move where he runs all around ringside just to do a weak head scissors from the apron. He loses all of his momentum once he climbs up on the apron, so he's just wasting all of his energy running around. Did this guy not take physics in high school? Adam Cole delivers the driest color commentary I think I've ever heard. He sounds like he just woke up and is reading from a card. "Redneck kung fu." All that is is Mark Briscoe doing really shitty and weak looking chops. Is it a comedy spot? Lol, even the cameraman at ringside looks bored and it is only the opening match. This match has absolutely no story and hasn't even had any real spots or sequences. Now, at the 13th Anniversary Show, I thought ACH was in the best match of the show, but that was clearly 100% because of AJ Styles. Why is Mark in the openers when his brother is the champ? Does that homophobe have no pull in the company? Mark wins in the middle of a roll up sequence. No setup, no story. Dog shit already. And I came into this with the intention of not being as hard on ROH this time."

That's fair criticism to you? Are you fucking kidding me? I mean come on, have some decency.

Yes, and nobody's saying you can't shit on it. I don't get why you seem so upset about people who like TNA not just going "lol OK it sucks because you say so".

Who said I am upset about people liking TNA? Who said I am upset? I pointed out a guy had a hundred posts defending TNA in week, that's bizarre, that's obsessive, it's insane.

you're not even making arguments, you're just saying people shouldn't be allowed to defend TNA.

Give me a quote where I said that. I said a guy is obsessive for making literally hundreds of posts a week defending a company. Those are two different things. If you want to have a debate with someone every once in awhile, that's great, even a few times a day. But when you have people writing ESSAY's and making several DOZEN posts a day, that's insane.

you'd think it's perfect, not a badly booked product saved by the wrestlers and the freedom given to them.

Lmao, you are a troll. You like TNA and think NJPW is badly booked. Give me a break.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread Parent