[Spoilers] To What Extent Does Chimera Ant Teach Us About Humanity? A Thematic Analysis of Hunter x Hunter.

Very cool to see anime slipping into academics, no doubt partly due to Togashi's efforts to explore the theme of change and identity, over fixating on a single demographic as most anime tend to do (even Seinen).

I only skimmed it, but my first thought is there's a few instances of repetitive phrasing.

  • For example, "revenge" is repeated a lot, in places where words like "avenge", "vengeance", and "retribution" could have fit, with minimal changes in phrasing - None of which are present in your piece outside of "Avenge" in an episode citation.

When everything else is technically correct, keeping your reader engaged with flavorful non-superfluous vocabulary can be a factor that pushes an essay from "adequate" to "stellar" in academic eyes, namely the person marking your essay.

The next thing that caught my eye is your own of the word "hell". (as a metaphor? It's been too long since my own English classes to recall the correct term with confidence.)

  • Bear in my mind, I don't know your professor or teaching assistants, so it's entirely possible what I say is not applicable to your circumstance.

You ended the first major section, about Gon, with hell, which makes it stand out and elicits my concern. It sounds like slang; it sounds like a placeholder, used in lieu of a more appropriate term.

You do some alluding to the biblical sense with a line about flames, but in my opinion, that feels insufficient and it would be preferable to see a more in-depth description of the transformation the character, Gon, underwent.

Lastly, your first use of "Pitou" made me cringe. For a character you reference so much in a bulk of your essay to be denied a formal introduction, as "Neferpitou", makes my inner essay-writer weep.

Vocabulary is something I've come to obsess over, so my tone might be exaggerated, but I've come to learn that such minor issues can be the difference between good and great.

For the actual content, I have little to say since I don't know the assignment parameters and, as an avid HxH fan, I have no doubts about the parallels between Gon and Meruem or the depth of the themes explored in the Chimera Arc.

The lack of Parasyte references makes my heart ache, but that connection is something a teaching assistant or professor is unlikely to be aware of, google or no google, unless they happen to be a fervent fan of the series too.

In general, everything is sound and resonates with my passion for the series.

/r/anime Thread Link - mrdrwombat.wordpress.com