Spray and Prays are sobbing rn

I hate this, it just is not true. Ive said this time and time again. On paper, the spitfire has a body dps of 162 and (this is often just ignored) a headshot multiplier of 2x this means, if you hit only headshots on the spitfire, your dps is 324, contrast this with the “good auto” weapons ( i assume you are referring to the 301, flatline, r99, volt and havoc.

301, flatline and havoc have a headshot multiplier of 1.5x and a body dps of 189, 190, 202 respectively, we see then if you hit all headshots on an assault rifle, your dps rises to 283, 285, 303 respectively. For smgs its an even bigger difference to the spitfires full headshot dps, and so my point is that given the spitfires negligible recoil, high bullet velocity and incredibly versatile effective range, it is a very easy gun to hit headshots with and so to look at the base of 162 and go hurr durr the gun might be a laser at all ranges, have a massive, oppressive mag that allows and doesn’t punish shit prefiring or just holding angles disallowing peaking, but really as soon as you hit 2 or more headshots, the gun destroys. This is why the argument that the gun has a low skill floor and a low skill ceiling is invalid. The gun has a low skill floor due to its forgiving and oppressive magazine, nonexistent recoil, viability at all ranges, but as a player improves, they will hit more headshots and so the gun just get disproportionately stronger in the hands of good players.

Spitfire uses close their eyes and bend over backwards to justify using the spitfire. Its annoying and this is the best thing to happen this season.

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