steps toward ocd somatic recovery ITS POSIBLE¡

Hi! Yes! I had been at the same stage at you were the sensation made me feel anxious. What helped me a lot to understand is that most of the times i checked my self to see if the sensation, made me feel anxious, we try compulsively to desensitice from the sensation feeling it on purpose but that only makes the situation more compulsive. The less you direct the atention the sensation Will desensitice by itself but you Will have to set in your mind that is okay to feel anxious, and very important Focus on doing and thinking valous thing. The compulsion is that we have a sensation we dont like and we do everything to get rid of it (cleaning) and the fear increases.

Being scared of the sensation is the root of all our compulsions because we think we have to eliminate it to live our lives and there lays the problem It is everything a lie. The less you think the less It will harm

/r/OCD Thread