Stopping VA Compensation

Man, none of us are getting younger. Everything on us will gradually fall apart. If I stubbed my toe in Iraq and can't walk now, then I should get paid. If I can walk tomorrow, then I should stop getting paid. I can be damned sure that if I don't drop dead first, one day, I will again lose the ability to walk, forever. Everyone does. And when that happens, it might happen a week or two earlier than it might have, if I hadn't stubbed my toe in Iraq. But that doesn't mean a walking person should get paid for not being able to walk, just because he might not be able to walk sometime later.

What's right is right, but taking money in compensation for a problem that no longer exists is not right. And making disabled veterans look like welfare queens online is also not right. I get blamed for pointing out the obvious, but the real problems here are the shit bag free riders who think the world owes them a living. These are probably the exact same shit bags who shammed out of everything possible while they were in, and talked about their heroism to civilians while doing their best to turn the military into welfare in a uniform.

They need to kill themselves and end this disgrace.

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