Story I heard today from a girl

That LTR ended a few months ago. I fucked her that night but the sex dwindled after that. Don't know if it was my response. Or she already had a backup dude because she mainly saw me as BB with Alpha tendencies. Knowing her, it was because of the backup dude. She was a solid 7-8 that I started seeing when she was 22 an me 26. She was pretty hot back them IMO. But I have since compared her pictures of how she looked then and how she looks now (she is 27) and the difference is astonishing. She is still pretty but def not as hot.

When we first started dating, I had no idea about the Red Pill so I asked her to move in and she was not that excited about it and I can now see how beta I was back then. Toward the end of our LTR, she would always ask about moving in together and joke about how I was going to marry her. I normally would just ignore it but sometimes I would look at her and smirk and say "Yeah, that's never gonna happen". Guess now that she is hitting that baby window of 28-32, she is wanting to find the "right" guy. I remember her mentioning her "plan" when she was like 23-24. You know...the typical hamstering. "I want to keep working on my career (aka being a server at a different restaurants) and buy my first house and have a baby by 30. I just shrugged it off and said "Nice. Good luck with that." She tried to lash out to get me to be emotional by saying "Well, it will either be you or someone else". I just said "Ooook".

After swallowing the Red Pill, I pretty much just saw her as a plate. I say LTR cause she was my main. I would have married this girl like an idiot but luckily I have guys like you in my life. She always tried to get me upset and it was easy for her because she knew so much about me from me be Blue Pill when we first started dating. It sucks how she treated me but honestly, it helped me accept my flaws and learn to get over them.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent