Strange that journeying is rarely mentioned in r/shamanism.

My apologies for me delayed response...

So for me with journeying is I found I had to open myself up first. I was listening to the drumming or singing bowls but I could cross over to the spirit world.

Then I went away for the weekend and I learned gratitude. Prior to going away I thought I was grateful. But I never really felt it. I started appreciating what was around me and breathing gratitude in through my nose and it completely changed me. Then I felt different. The next time I journeyed I had a profound experience wheee I connected. I also changed my “power spot”. I chose a place that I visited on my weekend vacation. It was a beautiful outdoor space with rolling hills and cliffs and grass and trees. Next time I journeyed I went to this spot to begin. Rather than trying to go to to the lower place / spirit world I stayed in the ordinary world and enjoyed the air and trees and grass. I looked up at the sun and the moon. I danced to drums and then I found that when my journeying begun.

/r/Shamanism Thread