
My apologies, I didn't mean to hurt or devalue. However I did think that explaining my disagreements or opinions before they were asked for might not be taken well, so I avoided that.

I disagree that modern monarchies, at least the few remaining european ones, are authortative or pepetuating slavery nor are they rulers any more. I would argue that the british monarchy no longer taxes or drains the resources from 'The Colonies', I know we Australians are not still under the thumb, so to speak, of the British Empire. I assume the same could be said for NZ, Canada, India, and the rest of the Commonwealth Countries.

I feel that colonialism also isn't much of an issue in the modern world, aside from the massive issue of recovering and healing from the past - the fault of which certainly would lie with past monarchies, governments, and a few greedy corporations (looking back at you East India Co).

It's my opinion that the modern exploitation of people and resources, and the seemingly endless sheer bloody greed, that drives the world these days is more the fault of the large corporations (including the media), their lobbyists, and their puppets in governments. I certainly agree that this is absolutely disgusting and disappointing, regardless of who is at fault.

However, I do agree with your last 2 paragraphs. I find the celebrity 'worship' of the british royal family irritating, almost as much as the apparent worship of sports stars in my country.

Again I am sorry I made you feel hurt and devalued, but given the length of this I hope you can see why I initially refrained from spouting my opinions. I didn't want to sound like I was saying you're wrong and/or trying to start an argument. For me this isn't a place where I argue or act like a dick, I have other subs for that :)

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