What are some ways in dispelling demons?

I have met your God and was left wanting. I saw a flawed imperfect being with an ego so big it swallows people up. I saw an abuser and a narcissist. I can't live my life and not sin in Christianity's eyes due to my disabilities, economic status, sexuality, gender identity and biological sex. I am who I am and your religion would never, ever accept me. Heaven isn't real, I've been to what Christians call heaven and it's actually called Hel and it's from Norse Mythology. Christianity stole everything from everyone else, it culturally appropriated everything it has. It's a parasitic entity that makes promises to those stupid enough to believe them to keep them powerless so it can continue to use and abuse everyone in this world. The fact you don't understand that Christianity has damned more than it has ever helped is because you are a part of it. You are an extension of that egregore. I can't say anything to make you realise it because you're literally delusional. You believed their lies, you swallowed the blue pill. I took the red one. I chose truth, no matter how ugly. I chose balance over imbalance. I chose oneness over duality. I chose self responsibility. I chose to pave my own way, to weave my own fate and leave my soul in no one's hands but my own. I will never understand your perspective as anything more than weak because it was really easy to give into it when I was fed the narrative but I was strong enough to resist the temptation. Also I have been raped and drugged in gods name. My ancestors have been murdered in gods name. I'd rather die than worship a God like that. I'd rather stand behind the Devil with his many faces, the Horned Lord, Herne, Cernnonus, Odin, Loki, Lucifer. For it was the Horned Lord who craddled me while I bled from my vagina after a man 30 years my senior raped me in the name of God. I begged your God to help me, your God is no more powerful than any other and he abandoned me. The Devil and Lilith, (her many faces Hecate, Diana, Hel, Nicnevin, Nerthus, Freya, Gulveig, Angrboda) were the beings that led to my salvation. Not your God, not your Christ. Not everyone belongs to them, I certainly don't. I belong to no one but myself. The fact you tell anyone to do anything different is appalling. I hope you get your dues for the many people you will hurt in God's name, probably without realising you're doing it. You don't even realise you're just a mouthpiece for the destructive side of the Devil named God. Because at the end of the day they all make the one. You don't serve who you think you do and when you die and you see the Horned Lord there over you and realise your mistake I hope you know service in the name of God doesn't save you. Only you can do so.

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