Plastic shamanism

In my experience, the term 'plastic shamanism' comes from Marxist analysis - it points the finger at cultural imperialism in general, and shamanic beginners in particular. However, this downplays wider issues, such as the urgent need for environmental sensitivity. Shamanism offers significant opportunities here, mainly because it is a driver of scientific and cultural progress. How can such progress be expected if people are denied the opportunity to heal and transform at their own speed? If cultural imperialism is an issue, solutions should focus on reciprocity, not industrial quantities of blame, denial and justification.

Since the basic issue is exploitation, I often think that one solution might be the development of code of conducts for both practitioner AND patient. (Currently, codes exist, but not for the latter.) Many different codes are possible - the point is to clarify expectations, behaviours, pitfalls and failures before the work begins. It doesn't have to be very detailed (the spirits deal with that) - it just facilitates reciprocity and community. A basic example is available here (if a patient came to me with a similar undertaking i would know they were serious):

It is worth stressing that fake shamanism exists beyond the beginners level. For example, sorcery is not the same as so-called white shamanism. I say that because my interest is in the latter - I see no need to contest with malevolent spirits or equally malevolent Marxists (other solutions are available). If I did engage, I would be part of the problem, not the solution.

All the best

/r/Shamanism Thread