Sunday dating thread, for advice and discussion.

I'm not trying to belittle your concerns at all, but your paragraph about "size matters" and "girls don't come from PIV... BULLSHIT" gave away that you're a virgin. a lot of guys exaggerate about their size--the vast majority, actually--and the more experience you get, the more you'll realize that girls only care about enthusiasm and the willingness to learn (/oral).

I know it's a cliche to say "real life is not like porn," but once I got more experience I realized that it is NOWHERE NEAR PORN. AT ALL. not even close. you are letting your fears take over, which is understandable, but it's a shame that the only thing that can expunge those fears is experience (and realizing that you are completely normal and unnecessarily harsh on yourself) and you are squandering your opportunity to gain it.

real life romance is slightly less exciting than movie romance. real life photos of food are less enticing than instagram photos of food. a live vocal performance is less powerful than a track recording. but porn? porn is like a million percent different than real life, and then some. I can't even compare the two because they are so different. I've never seen a dick remotely as big as I have in porn, and sex is nowhere near as ... well, pornographic as porn.

Just go for it. you are understandably nervous, but so is everyone when they first sleep with someone. your negative attitude isn't doing you any favors. you perception of sex is also severely misguided, and I can relate because I had similar thoughts when I was a virgin.

/r/ABCDesis Thread Parent