What made him/her bad in bed?

When I was younger I matched with a girl on Tinder, it might have even been my first match that made it to a date. We went to a local festival and after she played the "oh no I'm locked out of my house where will I go tonight" card so I invited her back to mine. We had a drink or two and then started kissing and she led me to the bedroom. We get into it, and the moment it becomes sexual she lay perfectly still, like not one bit of movement. Eyes closed, no sounds while I went down on her and then started having sex with her. A literal starfish. She didn't touch me or offer any oral. Then when I came I removed the condom and she rolled over to cuddle me and said she "liked to satisfy her men", like wtf that was the lowest effort ever. I remember feeling so confused because this was all very new to me, and she'd been super forward.

/r/AskReddit Thread