The Supreme Court rulings represent the tyranny of the minority

To alter the composition of the Senate would require a constitutional amendment. A constitutional amendment requires the approval of two thirds of Senators and three quarters of the states.

Truth be told, there may never be another constitutional amendment again in the United States. The bar is too high. The U.S. Constitution is the oldest Constitution in the world. It's also the shortest Constitution in the world. And the most difficult to amend Constitution in the world.

So to give large states more power in the Senate by way of a constitutional amendment, the approval of a certain number of small states would be necessary. Small states would need to vote against their interests and consent to reduce their power in the Senate.

It's an intractable situation. Small states could always commit a gesture of self-sacrifice in the name of the greater good, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Liberals need to accept the current reality.

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