Surprise: 70% Of Economists Support Hillary, Not Trump, But 70% Of Economists Are Democrats Anyway

Actually, studies have shown those who have taken economics are 15% more likely to vote republican. Some studies have even said that Republicans on average have better more pro-growth fiscal policy, however due to large defense and oil spending it conteracts it bringing the economy down more. This has been stated by two liberal leaning princeton economists. They attribute about 50% of democratic success to coincidence. They stated that Global oil shocks are more likely to occur under war hawk republicans.(That should make you more nervous of a war hawk like Hillary). Democratic Presidents tend to preside of inflations while republicans tend to suffer under dampening inflation(recession). Unfortunately, due to how "little" we know of economics, it is impossible to attribute whether republicans or democrats are more likely to cause a recession and interrupt the business cycle. That said, there is a statistically likeliness democratic policies are leading to recessions 10,20, 30 years down the road. Look at some of the Clinton policies such as the threat of discrimination law suits against Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the banks. Moodys with CDOs and AAA. Kennedy-Johnson had a great economy, but raised inflation to such high levels, we had an economic bust for 2 recessions in the nixon-ford years. Under carter we got stagflation, which lead to the 1981-82 recession under Reagan. There is often a large lag between presidental policy. Most of Obama's policy is just effecting us in the last 1-2 years. Some of bush's policy is also first hitting us now.

So interestingly, the question should be why is this surprising? Lots of economists grow up in colleges, typically liberal ones. So it is not surprising many of their ideals align with theoretical yield compared to republican economists. When it seems since WWII the boom and bust cycles while under republican presidents are typically caused by democratic presidents. In fact studies show that economics majors are more likely to be fiscally conservative then economists which shows there is some sort of divide that occurs between economists and economics majors which is an interesting idea to research.

Now a good point is that both republican and democratic economists agree we should redistribute wealth due to the diminishing marginal utility of wealth. The question is to what degree.

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