I have switched to a plant based diet, but I have gained 3 pounds.

I just came off keto

You will likely gain up to 10 lbs alone from doing this. It is not about fat: it is about how your body stores sugar and water.

but I weighed myself after 2 days and I had no change in weight

Most scales are not sensitive to show any meaningful difference day to day, even if there is a difference.

Does anyone have experience with this?

Combine a plant based diet with intermittant fasting to get the best of both worlds. During the day, you can be ketogenic, and after you eat, you get the fiber, carbs, and nutrients your body needs. This can mean your weight will fluctuate throughout the day. I typically am 2 or more lbs heavier at the end of the day than I am in the morning (although I do not weigh myself at the end of the day that much because it is a meaningless number).

Today, I got up, went to the bathroom, and weighed myself. I was 80.3 kg (which is good, as the weights are trending lower steadily), however, I remember last night before I showered, I was 82 kgs or so. That is 4 lbs a day difference.

So, try to get an understanding of how diets affect you. If you keep your weight artificially low because of water, you may not be helping yourself and it may be misleading you. If I go out and exercise fasted and get dehydrated, I could probably be 79 kgs or so in a few hours, however, that would be very unhealthy and have nothing to do with weight loss.

1 lb a week is good progress. 2 lbs a week is possible if you are very strict.

/r/loseit Thread