Sydney Daily Random Discussion - July 31, 2018

I've tried an aeropress many times, as well as a French Press, and many other techniques. I really don't like that watery coffee, as I prefer espresso.

I've also tried nespresso machines, not a fan either.

Closest method that I've found is the Moka Pot, which is a tiny version of a espresso machine. But it's very weak in comparison, I would need a massive machine to properly make espresso, there's no escape to how physics work.

I've also tried multiple brands/flavours of instant coffee. All but one had been almost undrinkable for me, but found one that is OK.

So, at the end of the day, the best alternative for coffee at home for me is buying that particular brand/flavour of instant coffee. But I prefer drinking a properly made espresso drink anytime.

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