Syrian Refugees in Canada wanting to return to Middle East

Immigrants have proven to help the economy in many ways.

I'm in no way hugely educated on this topic, but... They do improve the economy in multiple ways such as:

  • They raise the value of Canadian goods.

    • A 1% increase in immigration from a specific country can boost the value of Canadian exports 0.1%. So if we look at the Liberal party's original promise of 68%, then that's a pretty nice looking number compared to what we had before.
    • They also bring a want for goods from their native countries which leads to a .2% increase in the value imports.
  • They can create jobs by buying properties and hiring workers. Out in BC it's been seen that some families have bought farms which are undeniably a huge supporter of the [BC] economy.

  • Many immigrants lead to having powerful roles in innovation. 35% of university research chair in Canada are held by immigrants - who only make up 20% of the population.

  • Opposition to accepting Vietnamese immigrants was massive, but despite a lack of foreign language skills they managed to

    • Within a decade to get their unemployment rate 2.3% lower than that of Canada as a whole.
    • 1 in 5 had started their own business.
    • They relied less heavily on social assistance than the general pop.
  • In countries with low birthrates/dropping birthrates (Such as Canada) immigrants have helped to stimulate the economy. This is from Germany, but I think the general concept still applies to Canada: The 6.6 million people living in Germany living with foreign passports $4.127 more in taxes and social security on average than they took in social benefits in 2012, generating a surplus of 22 billion euros that year.

With that last point in mind and your particular frustrations with the oil crisis I think it should be noted that according to Macleans one of the factors leading up to the crash was a lack of labour workers in the force.

And your comment to another user, /u/stillclub in which you called him a "lefty" was incorrect as the Liberal party currently sits politically right on the compass. Their original morals may have been left but currently they sit just as far right as the conservative party did a few years ago.

Once again, I haven't spent years researching this, I'm just parroting statistics that I already know. I only intend to give people insight into the other side of immigration - the benefits of it.

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